Dogecoin v1.6 update

We have updated our dogecoin pool to latest version 1.6. The hard-for the update will happen in block 145,000. You are strongly advised for updating your local wallets too.


No longer a random block reward - we now only have static blocks. The current reward will be 250,000 Doge per block, with the halvening dropping us to 125,000 Doge per block, etc etc. This will prevent block cherry-picking; as we’re seeing at the moment, with our community pools only seeing 100-200k blocks, while the multi’s gaming the system are enjoying 300-500k blocks. From the 1.6 update, all blocks will be completely even.

The DigiShield difficulty algorithm: again, developed and contributed by the very clever folks at , this allows for rapid block retarget times, and rapid recovery from multipools suddenly hitting the network; meaning that our miners will no longer suffer from extremely long block times if a Multipool does decide to jump on board. This new algorithm will retarget our block times much faster - ensuring the hard-mining shibe is not left holding the bag after the multipool ransack.

Coins mined must mature for 4 hours (previously 30 minutes) before being spent. This is a precautionary measure, to give everyone more time to communicate following any future fork of the network.


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