Category: Digibyte

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Server & pool upgrades

We have taken applied rolling-restarts for our servers today in order to upgrade our software-stack. Additionally we have also upgraded some of our pool wallets - you are strongly advised to upgrade your local...

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Digibyte update: 2.9.1

We have updated our Digibyte pool to v2.9.1. Please make sure you update your clients too.  The update implements fixes for heart bleed bug. An up-to-date block-chain explorer is available over here and here. Changelog [source] The heartbleed bug fix, coin control,...

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Digibyte Block Finder Bonus on!

We have set block-finder bonus for our Digibyte pool!  From now own, the block-finders will be getting additional 25 DGB’s credited to their account! Hop into our pool to start claiming your bonus DGB’s!

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Digibyte version 2.0 mandatory update

We have updated our digibyte pool to version 2.0, which is an mandatory update. You are also adviced for so. The hard-fork will happen in block 67200 (which is expected for 28 February). You...