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8 Responses

  1. raf says:

    I did, and I never got paid for my mining contribution…. So, what’s up?

  2. bonesoul says:

    Please use our support forum with your details, so we can check out;

  3. gavz says:

    ca we use any password? or its fine not to use a password, a simple username derive from coin address would be fine?

  4. bonesoul says:

    You can use any password you like, just make sure that the username is a correct wallet address.

  5. negata says:

    Is there any Dashboard? How can i monitor my miners, expected earnings…?

  6. bonesoul says:

    You can use to check the status of your miners.

  7. andyz99 says:

    What happens to any coins not withdrawn in time - was away..?
    username was andyz99


  8. mojomaster says:

    how come dosent work cant log in to change miner conf.

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