Building our own pool server software - CoiniumServ

Here at, we try to push our limits in order to serve the best mining exprience and for so we have been cooking our custom software stack from the start. As you know we have our own-cooked web-frontend for a while and it’s time for our own pool-server software (which will be open source!).

We have started the project on late December and lately have been focused our efforts. The project will allow us to develop a next-gen software with advanced features like multi-mining and merged-mining.

The Motivation and Master-Plan

So you’ll be most likely asking the reasoning behind yet another pool-server when there exists lovely ones like python-stratum, python-stratum-continued, nomp and side-projects like mpos. First of all we already love those projects (especially Open Source ones that contributed the community) and using them.

Though for us today Bitcoin is just like the Internet in 1996, so we expect a huge evolution if in upcoming years. Said so, Bitcoins and alternative crypto currencies deserves a better pool-software that has a proper development model and plan.

Read more here.

More Information

You can check the development process over here and contribute!


Running on Linux with mono


CGMiner accepting jobs & sending shares


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4 Responses

  1. Alan Harvey says:

    Is The Server Also Windows Based if not When i got to build I get an error from visual studio

  2. bonesoul says:

    What’s the error?

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